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#SheDares. Will You?

Women’s rights are under attack across the world, whether it’s our right to speak up against injustice, choose what to wear, or decide what happens to our bodies. 

But women dare to challenge oppression with acts of defiance — even in the most difficult and dangerous circumstances.  

It’s time to join them.   


Will you? 

A Global Campaign to Champion the Women Who Dare. 

#SheDares is a movement to galvanize support for women survivors of war who stand up for their rights and bring change. It’s a celebration of the bravery of all women: our friends, our families, ourselves.  

And it’s a rallying cry. 

Join us and honor the daring women in your life. 

Support and Receive Exclusive Bracelet:

Join the #SheDares global movement by supporting courageous women survivors of war who stand up for their rights despite the risks. Donate today and you will receive a limited edition #SheDares bracelet handmade by women survivors of war. 

Listen to the Special Episode of Our Podcast:

In countries where personal freedoms are severely restricted, standing up for women’s rights can be risky. But what happens when women dare to challenge a system that oppresses them? Our Global Communications & External Relations Director, Nidhi Dagur, recently went to Afghanistan to find out.  

Meet the Women Who Dare: 

In Afghanistan, women dare to teach where education is banned. In Ukraine, women face shame but dare to speak out about sexual violence. In Rwanda, women dare to demand a better future after years of violence. 


Iryna, Co-Founder of The Andreev Foundation

When Russia invaded, Iryna had the courage to stay in Ukraine. In a bomb shelter, she met women who had been sexually abused by Russian soldiers. Iryna dedicated her charity, The Andreev Foundation, to supporting women survivors of sexual violence. Women who speak out about sexual assault often face shame and suspicion, especially in rural areas of Ukraine. Iryna dares to believe survivors, to speak out against sexual violence, and demand justice, despite the risk that the perpetrators will return.   

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Grace, Women for Women Rwanda Graduate

Amid violence and poverty following the Rwandan Genocide, Grace dares to build a better life. She is pursuing a large-scale business venture in a small Rwandan community, an innovative project to make soccer balls that captured the heart of FIFA’s president. Her idea has provided opportunities for the women in her savings group and demonstrates the power of resilience. Grace dares to overcome adversity and create positive change in her community.  

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In Afghanistan, Amina dares to stand up for women’s rights. Women have been virtually erased from public life over the past two years: banned from parks, gyms, restaurants, most jobs, and education. Opposing these restrictions is incredibly dangerous, but Amina dares to keep teaching in our training center. She braves the constant scrutiny of government authorities, and she dares to spread the word that education should be the right of every woman and girl.

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 Hadiza, Nigeria


Changing cultural norms is not an easy task, especially when you are a woman in a remote village in Nigeria. But Hadiza is a testament to women’s power and strength. #shedares to fight for women’s rights, even when it threatens her personal safety.


Sohalia, Afghanistan


In Afghanistan, women are being erased from public life. Poverty levels are high, girls' education is restricted, and women's rights have been rolled back decades under the de facto government's regime, but Sohalia dares to break barriers.


Marie Jeanne, DRC

Marie Jeanne

The involvement of women in decision-making processes is essential for a balanced and equitable society. However, men are in control of the decision-making in Marie Jeanne’s community in DRC. Women are not given the opportunity to share their ideas and concerns during community gatherings. Marie stood up against this and other injustices. She dares to sparking change by speaking up.




SheDares 16 Days


Fear and shame stop people from reporting or discussing their experiences of violence, but we must break the silence in order to end it. Each and every one of us has the power to raise our voices against dangerous norms and behaviors.

Meet the Women Who Dare End Violence Against Women: 

Susan, from South Sudan

Susan SS

War has taken so much from Suzan – loved ones, financial security, stability – but she has always fought to protect her children. When her daughter became pregnant and faced forced marriage, Suzan dared to defy her family and communal pressures. And now, she helps others dare to do the same. 



Faizah, from Iraq



Faizah has always been brave – even aged 13, when her uncles tried to force her into marriage. So, when ISIS attacked her community and warned her not to flee, she harnessed that defiance and dared to find safety. Faizah dreams of a world without war; of peace for her children.


Chisimdi, from Nigeria


Despite years of violence at the hands of her partner, Chisimdi had the strength to raise and provide for her four children. After leaving the relationship behind, she regained her voice and courage. #SheDares to stand up against child trafficking, even boldly standing in front of the President to advocate for the rights of women. This is her story. 



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Help us elevate the campaign! Let women across the globe know that when #SheDares, we've got her back.   

This toolkit comes with everything you need.

Nominate a Woman Who Has Dared to Make a Difference: 

shedares sticker thumbnail

We all know women who have dared to defy the odds and overcome adversity. We are collecting stories of women across the globe who’ve dared to stand up in their own way. Nominate a daring woman in your life and get a free #SheDares sticker!

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Learn More About Our Daring Women and How They Are Making a Change in Their Communities:

Young Afghan Woman Direct Eye Contact Teal Background
Your generous gift will transform the lives of women with job training, cash assistance, mental health services, courses on women's rights, and violence prevention.