Whether it is in the home or in the community, women’s voices and opinions matter. This is why our program is designed to give women knowledge of their rights: because with that knowledge comes the power to act and influence.
Through our program, women learn about the power of civic participation, voting, and negotiation. Together, they find the confidence to raise their voices on issues affecting their lives. They share their knowledge with other women, their neighbors, and children to protect their rights.
Why it matters: Learning about human rights gives women the confidence to raise their voices and men the ability to respect the opinions of the women in their lives.
What our graduates report: More women say they share information about their rights with other women – 55 percent report educating another woman about their rights two years after graduation, compared to 35 percent at enrollment.
From village savings and loan associations to stress management sessions, women have each other to rely on for support, strength, and solidarity amid conflict and displacement.