Marie Clarke is the Acting Chief Executive Officer at Women for Women International.
Prior to Women for Women International, Marie Clarke served as ActionAid USA’s Executive Director and a member of various global leadership bodies for the ActionAid International Federation. Ms. Clarke has over twenty years of experience in global development, human rights and economic justice. She served for 6 years as the elected Northern Civil Society Representative on the Steering Committee of the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP), a multilateral mechanism created by the G20 for donor countries and institutions to invest in client country agriculture and food security programs. She currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. She has held top leadership roles in Africa Action and the Jubilee USA Network among other roles. She has been quoted on issues of women’s rights, agriculture, energy and international economic justice in the Financial Times, Washington Post, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Hill and other publications and has appeared on Al Jazeera, CNN International, BBC, Voice Of America and other news networks.