Kelly Annarella is a Women for Women International’s U.S. Board of Advisors member.
Kelly Annarella serves as a trained domestic violence advocate for New Jersey 180 Turning Lives Around, Inc., and she has been teaching Yoga for 25 years and enjoys offering weekly classes in her community.
Ms. Annarella was involved in research and fundraising for The Dr. Tom Dooley Foundation, which now provides medical care in 13 African countries, and she has been involved in many organizations that support and empower individuals and families in crisis.
Ms. Annarella served on the board of The Children’s Cultural Center, Red Bank, N.J. In this role she guided development efforts to raise scholarship funds for at-risk youth for educational opportunities in theater, art, and music.
She also was a volunteer representative for the United Nations Hospitality Committee, an organization supporting foreign delegates and their families while in the United States.
Ms. Annarella holds a B.A. in Theater from the University of Maine and an M.A. in International Relations from Columbia University.