"We desire for the next generation to live in peace, with no conflict, with fair inheritance and taxes for girls and boys. May we all have the same rights with no discrimination of sex and equal chances for men and women."
Marginalized women in fragile and conflict-affected states have been left behind the progress and ambitions of world leaders’ commitments.
In 2020 and beyond, Women for Women International wants to be part of the global agenda and influence it for marginalized women affected by conflict.
Our Agenda for Action outlines what we are calling for.
"We desire for the next generation to live in peace, with no conflict, with fair inheritance and taxes for girls and boys. May we all have the same rights with no discrimination of sex and equal chances for men and women."
These are the priority areas that form our Agenda for Action
Women have different experiences. But policymakers often treat them as one group, neglecting the unique realities of the most marginalized women. This means their specific needs are invisible and unaccounted for in key global policy agendas.
The work of the international community is uncoordinated between the humanitarian, development and peacebuilding sectors. This approach does not reflect the real, interconnected experiences and needs of marginalized women.
People in power are not listening to the voices of marginalized women. Despite grand political gestures, women continue to face barriers to their participation in decisions that have a direct impact on their lives.
Violence against women is a fundamental barrier to women’s power and rights. Despite this, international interventions do not prioritize addressing the deep-rooted causes of violence against women.
Marginalized women are faced with chronic poverty and structural barriers which prevent them from fulfilling their economic potential. But there is not enough priority and funding given to women’s economic power in fragile and conflict-affected countries.
Download our Agenda for Action policy report or Agenda for Action handout to learn more about our commitments and how you can support us to deliver the changes that women from conflict-affected countries urgently need.
"After the program, I know that I am a human being and have the same rights like the men in the family and community and I can be free, I have the right to choose, I have rights for work and property and when I advocate for others, I try my best to help women solve their problems."