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The Impacts of the War in Sudan on Women and How We Are Helping

"Sudanese women have paid the price of this war, with their lives, and with their bodies."

The ongoing war in Sudan has wreaked havoc on the lives of countless individuals, but its impact on women and girls has been particularly devastating. Dr. Limiaa Ahmed, Senior Program Director of the Sudan Family Planning Association (SFPA), highlighted these impacts during her speech at the United Nations Security Council Meeting on Sudan on June 18, 2024. As Women for Women International, we are committed to supporting these women through our Conflict Response Fund, working alongside local partners like SFPA to provide crucial aid and services.

The Plight of Women in the Sudan Conflict

Since the conflict erupted between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), Sudan has become one of the world's largest displacement crises. With over 16,650 lives lost and nearly 10 million displaced, the human toll is staggering. Women and girls are the primary victims of this turmoil, facing gender-based violence, forced displacement, and acute food insecurity. Dr. Ahmed noted that 18 million people in Sudan face acute food insecurity, with women being disproportionately affected by hunger and violence.

Gender-based violence and conflict-related sexual violence have escalated alarmingly. Women and girls are at risk in displacement camps, during transit, and even in supposed safe havens like temporary shelters and border crossings. In areas controlled by the RSF, women and girls have been abducted, subjected to forced marriages, and held in degrading conditions.

Women for Women International's Response

At Women for Women International, we recognize the urgent need to address these issues. Our Conflict Response Fund, in collaboration with local partners like SFPA, is designed to provide immediate and long-term support to women affected by conflict. Through this fund, we aim to deliver essential services, including sexual and reproductive health care, psychosocial support, and economic empowerment programs.

Partnership with the Sudan Family Planning Association

The SFPA has been instrumental in providing sexual and reproductive health services across Sudan. Despite the extreme challenges, including the loss of staff, destruction of clinics, and bureaucratic hurdles, SFPA continues to deliver vital services. In the last year alone, they have provided over 33 million health services, including HIV/AIDS and STI treatment, as well as support for survivors of gender-based violence.

Women for Women International supports SFPA's efforts by funding programs that offer comprehensive care to women and girls. This includes medical treatment for survivors of sexual violence, safe shelters, and legal assistance. Our goal is to ensure that women receive the care they need to recover and rebuild their lives.

The Need for International Support

Dr. Ahmed's address at the United Nations underscored the necessity of international action to end the conflict and support humanitarian efforts. The Security Council's Resolution 2736, which calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities and improved humanitarian access, is a crucial step. However, the international community must go further, providing the necessary funding and support to local organizations like SFPA.

It’s Time to Take Action

The war in Sudan has placed an unbearable burden on women and girls, but through the efforts of Women for Women International and our partners, we are working to alleviate their suffering. By providing essential health services, safe spaces, and economic opportunities, we strive to empower Sudanese women and help them navigate the challenges posed by the conflict. As we continue our work, we call on the global community to support these efforts and ensure that the voices of Sudanese women are heard and heeded in the pursuit of peace and recovery.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of these resilient women and help them build a future free from violence and insecurity.

women Sudan
With violence erscalating in Sudan, women urgently need support. You can make a life-changing difference with your emergency gift right now.