To explore partnership opportunities, please reach out to our Director of Global Business Development Anjali Vogelsang at avogelsang@womenforwomen.org.
Learn more about Women for Women International and our Government Partners.
In South Sudan, Women for Women International (WfWI) and Reconcile, our local partner organization, are receiving support from the European Union to make significant strides toward helping women survivors of conflict realize their power. We have reached over 2,250 marginalized women in Yei, Morobo and Lainya, with a 99 per cent retention rate.
99 per cent of graduates reported that they equally voice their thoughts for economic decision making in their household, exceeding the original target of 70 per cent of women having an equal say in their household. We also enrolled 100 women who presented leadership skills and commitment during the Stronger Women, Stronger Nations (SWSN) Program in our Change Agents Program, to learn effective leadership and advocacy work to champion women’s rights in their community. Our Men’s Engagement Program (MEP) has a 50 per cent of participants taking action to support women’s rights, compared to 30 per cent at the beginning of the program.
Our partnership with USAID and the Global Women’s Institute at George Washington University is crucial in addressing violence against women (VAW) in conflict-affected areas. A recognized model of effective care for survivors of VAW includes case management, psychosocial support, specialized health services, safety, protection and legal assistance.
Through our partnership with the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, we are working together to transform the lives of marginalized women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Nigeria. Our Stronger Women, Stronger Nations Program has connected 3,600 women displaced by conflict with women from host communities in Bauchi state to provide them with knowledge about their rights, health, vocational skills and business development. Our Men’s Engagement Program (MEP) in Nigeria has engaged 3,720 men to become allies for women’s rights.
With this in mind, Women for Women International has committed to using the Sustainable Development Goals as a framework for sharing the data we collect from our program and to share our contribution towards the implementation of the Goals. By sharing this data, we aim to highlight the lack of progress for women survivors of war and to emphasize the importance of investing in the most marginalized to ensure that no one is left behind.
In partnership with the UN Women’s Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women (UNTF), our project called Women Empowered Against Violence (WEAV), will directly support women and girls with intersecting marginalization’s, specifically poor women and girls in Yei, Juba, and Terekeka South Sudan, who are either internally displaced, returnees, refugees, host communities and survivors of or at risk of violence. Women for Women International (WfWI) and local partners Women for Change (WFC) and South Sudan Law Society (SSLS) will empower women and girls by Conducting community assessments and gender analysis; train women in social and economic empowerment; offer unstructured psychosocial support (PSS) sessions and PSS, medical, security, economic, justice and shelter referrals when needed; form school-based clubs to educate girls, boys, and teachers about VAW/G. We will promote interpersonal relationships that help prevent violence against women and gender-based violence by training male allies in WfWI’s tested Men’s Engagement Program (MEP); conduct couples’ dialogues to explore relationship power dynamics; raise VAW/G prevention awareness among men and boys via MEP graduates. We will increase women’s leadership capacity to end VAW/G and promote gender equality by providing women training graduates with Change Agent training, leadership training, and mentorship to engage and use their voices, support the development of Change Agent Action Plans to address VAW/G and negative social norms that perpetuate gender inequality and disempower women and girls. Lastly, we will transform social norms, behaviors, attitudes and practices to support Change Agents’ outreach to other communities and national structures; support MEP graduates and Change Agents working together to address social norms; conduct radio talk shows and media engagement. We will focus efforts in and around Yei, Juba, and Terekeka, where—together as partners—we already have an existing presence.
The German Foreign Office has become an invaluable partner for our work in several program countries. Currently, the German Embassy in Warsaw provides vital funding that enables us to support Ukrainian women refugees in Poland. As part of several projects, and together with our experienced partner organizations, we have been able to provide trauma-sensitive support to hundreds of women. This includes the provision of safe houses, vocational orientation sessions, and psychosocial therapy sessions. Through a completed project funded by the German Foreign Office’s Human Rights Department we were able to reach 90 women who were successfully trained as “change agents”, i.e. peacemakers in their communities. The project in northern Nigeria has been implemented until May 2023 and included advocacy and conflict mediation training for women to resolve conflicts in their communities.
The German Corporation for International Cooperation currently funds a “Men’s Engagement” project in Nineveh Province (Kurdistan Region of Iraq), supporting our efforts to engage men for gender equality in conflict-affected communities. Along with our “Stronger Women, Stronger Nations” programme, this project supports women survivors of ISIS and other conflicts in the region to rebuild their lives. In the past, GIZ has also funded a “Hackathon” project in which we were able to develop needs-based digital solutions to meaningfully support women survivors of sexual and gender-based violence.
To explore partnership opportunities, please reach out to our Director of Global Business Development Anjali Vogelsang at avogelsang@womenforwomen.org.
Even in countries like Sudan and Afghanistan, where unfolding crises and conflict make it even more challenging to reach women caught in the crossfire of conflict, we remain committed to providing on-the-ground services when others cannot. With the generous support of our partners, we have reached over 553,000 women in the most marginalized communities around the world.
Read our Latest Annual Report for more on our impact.