Women who have survived the unthinkable need your help. Your individual action can support some of the most marginalized women in the world.
Members of our Leadership Circle provide a stable source of funding to help women survivors of war build better lives for themselves, their families and communities.
When supporters like you join our Leadership Circle, we can help more women in our programs earn their own incomes, stand up for their rights and lift their families and communities out of poverty.
We ask those who join our Leadership Circle to make a donation of $1,000 or more each year. Leadership Circle members enjoy opportunities to deepen their connection to the women we serve and share their triumphs as women survivors of war.
Alix McAtee, Mid-Level Gifts Officer
Women for Women International 2000 M Street NW, Suite 750-A
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-521-9516
Email: amcatee@womenforwomen.org