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#SheDares Art Competition

Take part in our competition and honor the power of women. 

Celebrate Women's History Month and International Women's Day with Art

art competition
Get involved in our #SheDares art competition this Women's History Month. Illustration by Natalie Byrne

Around the world, women’s rights are on the line. Whether it's our right to speak up against injustice, choose what to wear or decide what happens to our bodies.  

But every day, women dare to challenge oppression with acts of defiance – even in the most difficult and dangerous circumstances.  

Our #SheDares Art Competition is all about celebrating these courageous women throughout history.

How to Enter:


  1. 🎨 Create your piece of art on the theme of #SheDares. You can use any creative medium you’d like – paint, pencil, clay, photography or something else. We want to see how you use your creative flair to honor and celebrate courageous women who have dared to defend their rights and challenge the status quo. 
  2. 📱To enter, post a photo of your work on your Instagram (grid or stories) or Facebook, using #SheDaresArt and tagging @womenforwomenuk and @womenforwomen. Remember to share what your piece means to you – what or who inspired your art? What message are you sending with your #SheDaresArt entry?  
  3. 📅 Submit your piece between 26th February and midnight on Monday, 18th March 2024.
  4. 🏅🎉The winner will be announced on 29th March and win vouchers for art supplies and craft courses and a goodie bag, including gifts from our corporate partners, Women for Women International merch and art by Natalie Byrne.

Please read the terms and conditions.

#SheDares Craft & Chill


coloring page
Free #SheDares colouring page by artist Natalie Byrne. Photo: Women for Women International

Get creative with your colleagues, school or friends and family! Download our toolkit to organize a fun activity and make art celebrating all women who dare to create change. The toolkit includes a free feminist coloring page, great for both adults and children!

Don't forget to post your creations on social media using #SheDaresArt and tagging @womenforwomenuk and @womenforwomen.


Homepage Hero smiling cheetah print
You can uplift war survivors around the world with job training, cash assistance, mental health services, courses on women's rights, and violence prevention.