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Your New Sister is Waiting, Stand With Her


When you join Stand With Her, you become part of a global community that is supporting the most courageous women on earth as they rebuild their lives after war and conflict.

As a Stand With Her Sister Supporter, you can create a one-of-a-kind connection that will have an impact lasting a lifetime. You will share in your sister’s hopes, dreams, and challenges – and follow her progress as she courageously regains her power after surviving unthinkable hardships.

You can also choose to be a Stand With Her Classroom Supporter, and your ongoing commitment will provide the consistent resources to fund our classrooms across the globe. Whichever option you choose, you will be joining a global community of Stand With Her supporters that are helping transform the lives of women survivors of war.  

How Stand With Her Works

Joining Stand With Her is simple and easy. There are two different tiers, and you can change your level of commitment at any time. Any size donation you can make will have a lasting impact.

Stand with Her Benefits
What you’ll get
Classroom Supporter
Sister Supporter
$35/month per sister
Feeling of joy helping your sisters
Outreach Newsletter
Exclusive access to events
Monthly email updates
Pencil set
1:1 sister match
Letter writing program
Welcome kit in the mail
Quarterly updates in the mail
Tote bag
Join now Join now
Sister Supporter

Make a one-of-a-kind connection with a sister

• individual match and letter exchange

• updates on the impact of your support by postal mail and email

• special access to events

• gift of tote bag and pencil set

• $35 a month per sister

Stand with Her as a Sister Supporter

Become a Sister Supporter to get matched with an individual woman in our Stronger Women, Stronger Nations program. You'll discover her name, her country, and you'll even have the opportunity to send her messages of support through our online Supporter Portal. Your sister will develop essential skills to help her strengthen her own voice, forge her future, and share her newfound skills with her community.


After you register your support and pledge your monthly gift, we'll match you with your sister within 4-6 weeks. Once matched, you'll get a welcome pack that introduces your sister. 


As she goes through the training program, we will send you regular updates by postal mail and email about her progress and what she is learning


As a Stand With Her supporter, you will have the opportunity to connect with your sister in a very personal way by sending messages directly to her. If she is able, your sister may also write to you from time to time, to tell you how she is doing and how your support is transforming her life and that of her community. The women in our program treasure this connection – for some, these words are an emotional lifeline.


Your sister will graduate with life-changing skills and you will have helped her complete this momentous accomplishment. As your monthly support continues, we'll connect you with another sister, sustaining your impact, year after year.

Stronger Women Stronger Nations Program classroom in Birava, DRC. Photo by Ryan Carter.
Classroom Supporter

Support classrooms across the globe

• updates on the impact of your support by email

• special access to events

• gift of pencil set

• $20 a month

Stand with Her as a Classroom Supporter

From pencils and textbooks to agricultural supplies, as a Classroom Supporter you provide the resources women need to thrive. Your generous commitment will bring together groups of 25 women as they find community and support, learn essential skills, and gain the confidence to realize their potential.


As your classroom progresses through the program, you'll get monthly email updates about the skills they're learning and hear more about the conflict-affected countries they're from. We include exclusive stories and photos of your dollars in action.


Your monthly gift is spread across all of our Stronger Women, Stronger Nations classrooms, helping women to seize their power in Afghanistan, DRC, Nigeria, Iraq, South Sudan, and Rwanda. As your classroom completes their session, your support will continue year after year to provide even more women with the resources they need to overcome the hardships of war.

Our Gift to You

As a token of our appreciation, Classroom Supporters giving $20 or more will receive a limited-edition pencil set, engraved with powerful sayings.

New Sister Supporters giving $35 per month or more will receive a sturdy canvas tote bag in addition to the pencil set.

What Will Your Sister Learn?

Earn and Save Money 2
Awadia from South Sudan counts money from her sales of bread. At 33 years old and the mother to 8 children, the baking skills she learned from Women for Women International now help Awadia support her family.

How to Earn and Save Money

When you Stand With Her, your gift helps women survivors of war learn a vocational skill such as tailoring, brickmaking, or agriculture. These skills are highly prized in their local market, enabling them to earn a stable income and become more independent. Your sisters also learn business skills like bookkeeping and budgeting, as well as literacy and numeracy skills which help them earn money to support their families. 

Many women in our program are engaged in small-scale farming, micro-businesses, and trading. Since the majority of women do not have access to formal financial services, we help them establish Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs), small informal groups for saving and loaning money.

In 2021, sisters in our program grew their average daily income from $1.90 at enrollment to $5.29 at graduation.


Afghanistan women sitting together taking notes
Despite the ban on women's education in Afghanistan, brave women continue to attend our program, learning numeracy and business skills to improve their lives.

Human Rights Knowledge

Women have fundamental rights that are often overlooked. Even women themselves are unaware of these rights. But throughout the countries we operate, women have the right to vote, to own land, to divorce, and to inherit property. With your contributions, your sisters will learn about gender equality, their human rights, and the laws that protect them from violence and discrimination.

In 2021, 70% of women at graduation said they'd discussed community issues such as: domestic violence, sexual assault, legal rights, and intimate partner violence with other women compared to only 46% at enrollment.


Tricia and her daughters sit in on a social empowerment class about health and nutrition.
Tricia and her daughters sit in on a social empowerment class about health and nutrition in Rwanda.

Health & Wellbeing

If women aren't physically and mentally healthy, how can they be expected to thrive and contribute to their community? Your sisters will learn about family planning, hygiene, disease prevention, resilience, and nutrition to keep themselves and their loved ones healthy.

In 2021, 79% of women at graduation said they'd feel more prepared and confident about having another child, compared to 46% at enrollment.


Women meeting in Village Savings and Loans Association in Nigeria
Women meeting in Village Savings and Loans Association in Nigeria. One member, Zainab, used group funds to buy a sewing machine and expand her tailoring business.

Support Networks

War and conflict leave women deeply isolated, feeling unsafe to leave their homes and without a safe place to meet other women who have experienced the horrors of war. Your sister will join a class of 24 other women like her. She will make friends, regain her confidence, and build a support system.

Over the course of the year, your sister will also receive support from a friend that she has never met – you!

“The program has picked me up from the dust and placed me on a pedestal of hope and economic strength. It has enhanced my life beyond my wildest dreams.”

–Naomi, graduate in Nigeria

Our Signature Program Hero Image 2
Stronger Women, Stronger Nations Program

Through our signature program, women break their isolation and gain the social and economic skills to transform their own lives.

They pass on their power and knowledge to create a more just world, where women can use their power together.

What Our Supporters Say

“Your contribution makes a difference! Don’t hesitate to send a short note, a long story, a picture, or a word of encouragement. Your sister appreciates contact from you more than you know. I know because that’s what Stephanie shared with me.” 

—Beverly Thompson

Hearing from my sister is very gratifying. The letters provide a window into their personal lives and accomplishments. It provides a chance to share a connection unlike anything else in my life.”

—Suzy Filbert, Baltimore, MD

“I can honestly say getting involved in the Women for Women International global community has helped me stay positive and hopeful!” 

—Mira Borggreen

Celebrate World Refugee Week

Download our e-cookbook for free and get inspired by women refugees whose courage, strength and hope enable them to rise above their circumstances and not only heal but to rebuild.

A woman and her child in Iraq
”Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects.” —Dalai Lama