These Stand With Her terms and conditions are issued by Women for Women International, 2000 M Street, NW, Suite 750-A, Washington, DC 20036, USA, EIN/Tax ID 52-183-8756.
By agreeing to support one or more women or classroom with Women for Women International (“WfWI”), I agree to pay the Stand With Her supporter amount indicated on the sign-up form for each of the women I have agreed to support, and to continue to pay such amounts at the intervals indicated on the sign-up form until such time as I terminate this agreement.
I understand that at the completion of the support for my sister or classroom I will automatically start supporting another sister or classroom who are about to start their year of training, and agree to be charged the then current Stand With Her supporter amount for the new term, unless notification of cancellation is given to WfWI in writing not less than 30 days before the end of my year of support. Emailing standwithher@womenforwomen.org is acceptable for this purpose.
Each woman that I support is referred to in these Stand With Her terms and conditions as my “sister.”
If I have chosen to make my Stand With Her donation by debit or credit card, I give permission to WfWI to charge my card directly. If I have chosen to make my Stand With Her donation by any other method, I agree to pay by such method within 14 days of entering into this Stand With Her agreement.
If I have chosen to pay my Stand With Her donations by debit or credit card and my Stand With Her donations are uncollectable for whatever reason, I agree that WfWI may charge all uncollected amounts in one charge when collection is resumed.
It is my intent to support (each of) my sister(s) or my classroom for the duration of her year of training, but I understand that I have the right to cancel my Stand With Her support at any time by giving WfWI not less than 30 days’ notice of my intention to do so.
I understand my Stand With Her and regular donation will continue unless and until not less than 30 days‘ notice of cancellation is given. If requested, WfWI will erase the debit or credit card information held. Should the same card(s) also be in use for other WfWI regular donations or other Stand With Her donations, I understand the debit or credit card information will remain on file to enable those other charges to be processed.
I understand that my Stand With Her support may be terminated by WfWI if my Stand With Her donations are uncollected after three consecutive months. In the case of non-monthly payment options, this cancellation will occur after one payment (equating to three months or more of support) is uncollected. WfWI will make all reasonable efforts to contact me by all means available when my donations are uncollected.
If I have chosen to pay my Stand With Her donation amount by debit or credit card, I agree to notify WfWI immediately if my billing address or card details change, to prevent missed donations.
I understand that WfWI cares how my personal information is used and/or shared with others and that ensuring the security of my personal data is of the utmost importance to WfWI. Accordingly, I further understand that WfWI implements reasonable physical, administrative and technical safeguards to help protect my personal information from unauthorized access, use and disclosure. WfWI is PCI DSS compliant and requires all vendors involved in the processing of highly sensitive personal information to maintain security standards that are at least equivalent to PCI DSS. However, I am aware that there are inherent risks in transmitting personal data and any information disclosed online can potentially be collected and used by unauthorized persons. I understand these risks and consent to providing WfWI with my personal information.
For more details please see the Women for Women International Privacy Policy.
I consent to WfWI using my information to send me details about sponsorship or such other matters as WfWI reasonably believe will be of interest to me. I understand I can opt-out of receiving such emails in the future by following the unsubscribe link in an email that is sent to me, or by sending an email to the following applicable email address: standwithher@womenforwomen.org
I understand that the Stand With Her donation amount and duration may change from time to time to reflect increased costs. WfWI will make reasonable efforts to inform me of such changes with not less than 30 days’ notice in writing, and I understand that if I do not respond to these notifications, I give permission to WfWI to automatically charge me the changed sponsorship amount and to continue charging me for the changed Stand With Her duration.
I understand that WfWI may hold, waive or refund sponsorship donations at its discretion.