Contact Information
By email: general@womenforwomen.org
By phone: (202) 737-7705
By fax: (202) 737-7709
By mail:
Women for Women International 2000 M Street, NW Suite 750-A Washington, DC 20036
If you are already a supporter and have questions about your account please contact Supporter Services at (202) 521-0016 or 1 (888) 504-3247, or choose one of the following email addresses.
For billing questions: finance@womenforwomen.org
For questions about your Stand With Her support: standwithher@womenforwomen.org
Mission Statement
In countries affected by conflict and war, Women for Women International supports the most marginalized women to earn and save money, improve health and well-being, influence decisions in their home and community, and connect to networks for support. By utilizing skills, knowledge, and resources, she is able to create sustainable change for herself, her family, and community.
To create a world in which all women determine the course of their lives & reach their full potential.
In which countries does Women for Women International operate?
Women for Women International currently operates in Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Nigeria, South Sudan, and Rwanda. Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina have successfully transitioned to local affiliates. Women for Women International also has worked in Bangladesh, Croatia and Pakistan. Through partnerships with local organizations as part of the Conflict Response Fund, Women for Women International has supported women living in Yemen and Bangladesh.
Are women put at risk by participating in Women for Women International's programs?
In order to best serve our participants, Women for Women International works to ensure the safety of its overseas staff and its participants by closely monitoring security situations in the communities, regions and countries where it works on a day-to-day basis. Each office is staffed with its own security officer who helps evaluate the situation and can accompany staff into the field if necessary. The organization will work with participants to ensure they are able to safely participate in the program and will help them find resources to address any personal safety issues.
Before establishing our programs in a community, Women for Women International staff conducts outreach to local political, religious and civil society leaders to explain the benefits of the program. The organization also holds public meetings to answer questions any community member may have. This community outreach lets citizens know that Women for Women International will be invested in their community and will help the community as a whole. This cooperation is an important step in establishing safe, effective offices overseas.
How does Women for Women International decide where to expand its programs and services?
Women for Women International utilizes four criteria when determining how and when to expand its programs to new areas of operation. The organization seeks to work: 1) in conflict or post-conflict countries or regions; 2) where women are disproportionately affected by war and violence; 3) where these women's needs are not being met and the organization's programs can fill a critical gap in services; and 4) when the organization has the resources to launch and sustain a program that can grow and expand over time to meet the long-term needs of women survivors of war.
How effective are Women for Women International's programs?
Women for Women International's strategy promotes rights-based development by supporting women as they take control in rebuilding their lives and generating economic sustainability in their communities. Its multi-phase approach incorporates direct aid, emotional support, skills training, rights education, leadership training, microenterprise and small business development. Underlying all program activities is the idea that women will advance from victim to survivor to becoming active, self-assured members of their communities. With support from individuals like you, we were able to reach these notable achievements:
What is Standing With Her and how does it work?
Women for Women International's Stand With Her Program is a direct and personal approach to supporting women survivors of war and conflict as they embark on a journey from being victims to survivors to active citizens engaged in rebuilding their lives and communities. As a supporter, you pledge to contribute a monthly fee to support one or more women in our year-long program of vocational and business skills training, rights awareness, and health education. Your support will provide the tools and resources your sister needs to rebuild her life. Your monthly contributions will also help your sister obtain basic necessities for her family, like food, clean water, and medicine; to pay school-related expenses for her children; to start building family savings; or to use the funds as seed capital to start a business. Perhaps more importantly, the emotional support that your support and letters provide serves as a lifeline to a woman who may have otherwise lost everything.
How does a sister benefit from $35 a month?
A sister supporter's contribution of $35 a month provides a supported sister with business and vocational skills training, rights awareness, and health education in Women for Women International's year-long program. Your support also provides direct financial assistance to your sister during the program so she can pay for basic necessities like food, medicine, and tuition fees for her children. To ensure all gifts entrusted to us have maximum impact, your gift is combined with gifts from other supporters, contributors, government and foundation grants, and goods donated by companies, to fund our work to benefit women, their families, and their communities With the knowledge, skills, and financial and emotional support women receive through Women for Women International's program, women create a stronger foundation from which to rebuild and transform their lives.
How does Women for Women International work with the community to plan and implement its training program for enrolled sisters?
Women for Women International believes that having strong relationships with the communities where we work is critically important to ensure our efforts have local buy-in and are most effective given the context we are operating in. Through consultations with community leaders, we are better able to identify and connect with women who could benefit from our programs. Many of the communities where we work have also generously donated land or spaces for us to use to conduct trainings.
How does Stand With Her improve the lives of women, their families, and communities?
There are countless positive effects that Stand With Her has on individual women, their families, and their communities. Among our indicators, graduates from our program report an average daily income of $1.07 at graduation, compared to $0.34 at enrollment. As women gain skills, knowledge, and access to resources through our program, they are not only able to take better care of themselves, but their families as well. Women often use their newfound confidence to become agents of change and leaders in their communities, helping other women and community members benefit from what they learned.
In 2012, Women for Women International's partners Bloomberg Philanthropies and NoVo Foundation commissioned KPMG to review our programs in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The review found that our program "is having a significant economic ripple [effect] as other women in the community are learning from Women for Women International graduates who are now viewed as role models in the community." To learn more about how our programs can positively affect the broader community, please click here.
Is there a maximum or minimum timeframe in which Women for Women International will commit to work in a community?
Women for Women International does not set a timeframe for our work in a community. Each community we serve has different needs and varying numbers of women who may benefit from the programs we offer. We strive to continue to work in a community as long as there are women there who are able and want to participate in our programs.
Do Stand With Her sisters receive more help than other women living in the same community?
Stand With Her sisters can participate in our year-long training program and receive vocational and business skills training, rights awareness, health education, and additional emotional and social support. Participants and graduates of our program often seek to share what they learned with friends and neighbors who have not completed our program. From starting businesses that employ women to teaching other women about their rights, our program graduates take the knowledge and skills they gain during the yearlong program to benefit other women and their community as a whole.
Why does Women for Women International have a Stand With Her program in some countries and not in others?
Women for Women International's work is currently focused in eight conflict and post-conflict countries around the world, including Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Northern Iraq, Kosovo, Nigeria, Rwanda, and South Sudan. We currently match sister supporters to program participants in Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, and Rwanda.
How are women selected for the Stand With Her program?
When Women for Women International enrolls women in our year-long program, we seek to identify those in the community who are among the most vulnerable and marginalized, and therefore stand to benefit the most from the trainings. All of the women experience extreme economic hardship, with an average reported personal earnings of just $0.40 per day. Nearly half have never had any formal education. For many, their status as a widow or single head of household puts additional burdens on them to care for their families. Experiences of conflict-related violence, domestic abuse, and sexual violence are common.
At enrollment sessions, Women for Women International staff members discuss the unique challenges and needs of each woman seeking to enroll. Those who are enrolled at a given enrollment session are placed into classes of 20 to 25 women who go through the yearlong training program together.
Can I pick which country I want to support a sister in?
We no longer offer 'country preferences' as an option, as not all of our country offices enroll participants on a rolling basis. In order for our country offices to maintain maximum flexibility, each enrolls participants at different periods throughout the year.
How long will I be able to support a sister?
You will be able to support your sister for 12 months as she completes Women for Women International's year-long training program. In every country where Women for Women International operates, the demand for our program exceeds capacity, and more sister supporters are needed to meet the demand. The majority of our sister supporters choose to continue their Stand With Her commitment and be matched with a new sister annually.
How often will I receive a progress report on my Stand With Her sister?
Shortly after your sister's enrollment in the yearlong program, you will receive information regarding your sister's name, country of residence, age, and the number of children she has. You may also receive a photograph of your sister if one is available.
As your sister participates in our year-long program, you will receive regular updates about which of the four program modules your sister is in and what she will learn during that module. You will receive a final update at the time of your sister's graduation from the program that shows what she learned during the year, the vocational track she trained in, and her overall satisfaction with the program.
Of course one of the best ways to keep in touch with your sister to learn of her individual progress is to write to her! For more information about sending letters to your sister, please click here.
Are all Stand With Her sisters survivors of war?
Women for Women International works in conflict and post-conflict countries, where violence has directly or indirectly touched the lives of every community and person. Experiences of conflict-related violence, domestic abuse, and sexual violence are common, and while each woman who participates in our program may not have personally witnessed or been physically injured by the conflict, the effects of such societal violence and upheaval are numerous, widespread, and long-lasting.
Why is there sometimes conflicting information provided about a Stand With Her sister?
Sometimes sister supporters do receive seemingly conflicting information about a supported sister, which may be due to letter translation issues, technical difficulties, etc. If you receive conflicting information about your sister, please contact our Customer Service team and they can best assist you with your individual questions.
If you ever receive concerning or alarming information in a letter from your sister, please contact our Customer Service team so we can ensure your sister is receiving the support she needs.
How do I write to my sister?
You can send letters to your sister online or through the post. To minimize administrative expenses of shipping costs, we prefer that you use our Supporter Center to send an email and upload photos, which are then printed at the country office and delivered to your sister.
Paper letters can be mailed to us at:
Women for Women International
2000 M Street, NW, Suite 750-A
Washington, DC 20036
In all paper letters, please be sure to include:
Your full name
Your supporter ID number
Your sister's full name
Your sister's woman group
Your sister's country
Why does it take so long to receive a letter from my sister?
On average, it takes three months for your letters to reach your sister and for her letters to reach you. After you send your letters to our office in Washington, D.C., we forward them to our offices overseas once a month. Letters submitted via our Supporter Center are sent to our offices overseas once a week. Your letters are then translated by staff members in our field offices and given to your sister. If your sister is not literate, the letters will be read to her, and she can dictate a letter to you. Your sister's letters to you will be translated, sent to our office in Washington, DC, and then mailed to you.
In some cases, your sister may choose not to write. The women in our programs face multiple hardships that may not allow them the time or energy to write you. We encourage you to please continue to write to your sister, as your letters of support do help.
Why haven't I received a letter from my sister?
In some cases, your sister may choose not to write. The women in our program often face multiple hardships that may not allow them the time or energy to write to you. Please do not let this discourage you or prevent you from continuing to write to your sister. Your letters do help, and even if you are not receiving letters, your sister receives your letters and contributions, which our representatives deliver every month.
In what other ways can I communicate with my sister?
Besides handwritten letters, the easiest way to send letters is through our Supporter Center. After logging in, your sister's information will be automatically filled in for you. You can attach photos, write captions, and even save draft letters to come back to later. Get started here!
Why doesn't Women for Women International give my sister my entire monthly gift?
Your sister receives the full benefit of your monthly contribution, which covers the costs of her participation in our yearlong training program as well as her monthly training stipend. Your support goes directly to ensuring your sister has the knowledge, skills, and resources she needs to transform her life.
Can I send money directly to my sister?
We ask that sister supporters do not send additional money or gifts to their sisters. It is important that each woman going through the program receives the same training and financial benefits so that no woman feels she has been given any less support than her fellow participants.
May I send a package to my sister?
We ask that sister supporters only send cards or letters of support to their sisters. We cannot facilitate the sending of larger packages due to customs duties and high costs of overseas shipping. Any packages received by Women for Women International will be returned to you.
Can I send other types of gifts?
We understand that many sister supporters want to share more than just Stand With Her funds and letters with their sisters. However, due to the customs duties and high costs of overseas shipping, there is a limit to what you can send your sister. Flat paper items such as photos, greeting cards, stationery, and stickers may be sent in small quantities with your letters.
May I visit my sister?
Currently, Women for Women International has limited opportunities for groups of sister supporters to visit their sisters in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Rwanda. At this time, we are unable to organize visits to other countries, due to security concerns and logistical limitations.
If you are interested in learning more about opportunities to visit your sister in Rwanda or Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as associated costs, please contact our contact our Customer Service team. If you are visiting the country where your sister lives and would like to inquire about the possibility of meeting your sister, please contact our contact our Customer Service team.
Can my sister visit me?
Women for Women International does not coordinate or facilitate visits of Stand With Her matched sisters to their sister supporters.
Click here to view Stand With Her Terms & Conditions.
How do I make a donation?
Your contribution will help Women for Women International continue its life-saving work with women survivors of conflict around the world. Send your donation to: Women for Women International, Global Support Center, PO Box 9224, Central Islip, NY 11722-9224. Or make an online donation today!
How are my contributions spent?
We are committed to ensuring that every woman we work with receives the most from your contributions. For more information on Women for Women International's financial information, please click here.
Are contributions to Women for Women International tax-deductible?
Contributions made to Women for Women International are tax-deductible in the United States. Women for Women International's U.S. tax Identification number is: 52-1838756. All Stand With Her supporters will receive a tax receipt for the current year's total donations in the beginning of the following year.
Can I contribute through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)?
Yes, federal employees can designate Women for Women International as a charity for your workplace campaign through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). Our CFC number is #11311. This number may vary for state campaigns and you can find our local state campaign number through your workplace's CFC guide
Do you accept employer matching gifts?
Women for Women International does accept employer matching gifts and encourages you to increase your donation by taking advantage of your company's matching gift program. To find out if your company has a matching gift policy, contact your Human Resources department or click here to access this online resource of companies with matching gift programs. Matching gifts cannot be applied to your support but will be used to strengthen and expand programs in the field.
Do you accept gifts of stock?
Women for Women International can also accept gifts of stock and cash wire transfers. Instructions for transferring stock and securities are provided below. Donor information included in electronic transfers is often incomplete. So please alert us in advance by providing the donor name and contact information, stock name, symbol and number of shares you plan to donate, so that we can ensure that you receive a tax receipt and acknowledgement. You may contact us by email at majorgifts@womenforwomen.org or by mail at:
Women for Women International
Attn: Office of Major Gifts
2000 M Street, NW, Suite 750-A
Washington, DC 20036
Please include a note with donor name and contact information, so that we can ensure that you receive a tax receipt and acknowledgement. If the securities are held in "street name" at your brokerage firm, you may instruct your broker to have them transferred to us directly.
All deliveries must include:
Women for Women International
Schwab Account #: 1115-2826
Delivery to DTC Clearing 0164, Code 40
If you plan to transfer cash by wire or ACH, you may instruct your financial institution to use the following transfer instructions.
Account Name: Women for Women International
Bank: Wells Fargo
Routing Number: 121000248
ACN: 2000020771537
How is Women for Women International funded?
Women for Women International is primarily funded by individual contributions, including donors and Stand With Her supporters. In addition, Women for Women International receives support from foundations, multilateral and corporate contributions, government grants, and pro bono services.
For further information about Women for Women International's financial statements, please click here.
Are Women for Women International's fundraising efforts in compliance with established fundraising guidelines?
Women for Women International is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and abides by the legal fundraising requirements and guidelines established for 501(c)(3) organizations.
Stand With Her
The Stand With Her Program links women in the US with women in Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kosovo, Nigeria, Rwanda and South Sudan, who have survived war and conflict. This form of support is a direct, personal, hands-on way for women in the US and elsewhere to help marginalized women in post-conflict countries. The Stand With Her supporter provides monthly financial support that provides direct financial aid, training and other services to women participants. In addition, the Stand With Her supporter and the woman exchange letters. For a woman who may have lost everything or who feels isolated from the world, letters of support and encouragement help renew her hope for a better future. For more information on how to support women in the Stand With Her program today, click here.
Your contribution will help Women for Women International continue its life-saving work with women survivors of violence around the world. Send your donation to: Women for Women International PO Box 9224, Central Islip, NY 11722. Or, contribute online today or call (202) 521-0161 or 1 (888) 504-3247!
As a non-profit organization, Women for Women International depends upon volunteer efforts to make our programs a success and to allow us to direct more money to program participants.
Women for Women International works with general office volunteers at our Washington, DC headquarters office. If you live in the metro-DC area and are interested in helping out in our offices, please click here to learn more
If you live outside of the metro-DC area, please visit our Get Involved page to learn about how you can get involved, by hosting an event or spreading the word!
We have recently restructured our overseas volunteer program so that only persons already staying in the host country are eligible to participate. For those already in the host country, we will provide contact information for our local office, and you may arrange the details with the local staff. We regret that we are unable to provide more comprehensive opportunities at this time.
If you are fluent in Bosnian, Albanian, Farsi or Arabic and would like to volunteer your translation services to help Stand With Her supporters communicate with their sisters after they have completed our program, please send an email with your resume and qualifications.
Other Ways You Can Help
Click Here for information on how to become a Community Leader!
To receive Women for Women International materials, please send an email or contact us at (202) 521-0016. For more fundraising ideas, see the Support Our Work section of our website.
Why has my credit card been charged or why have I received a monthly commitment statement, but haven't received information about my new sister?
Between the 5th and 10th days of the month, we match all new Stand With Her supporters with their sisters and charge their credit cards or send out statements, accordingly. Because we more than doubled our Stand With Her base in January 2005, it takes approximately a month to generate the letters with your sister's biographical information. If you notice that your credit card has been charged by Women for Women International, or if you receive a statement from us, please count on receiving your new Stand With Her packet—complete with a letter about your sister, a Stand With Her handbook, and information about your sister's country—before the end of that same month. If you should not receive this information, please contact us at standwithher@womenforwomen.org or (202) 521-0016 or 1 (888) 504-3247.
Why do I keep receiving statements when I have paid in advance?
All Stand With Her supporters who pay by check will receive a monthly statement whether they have paid in advance or not. Your statement will indicate if a contribution is due, as well as the due date.
I sent in a payment that's not reflected on my statement. Do I owe money?
Payments received after the first of the month may not appear on your current statement. You can simply subtract that amount from your total due.
How do I change my credit card information?
You can easily change all of your billing information, including credit card number, address, and phone numbers by logging into the Supporter Center and clicking on “My Account.” You can also update your account information by calling our Customer Service department at (202) 521-0016 or 1(888) 504-3247. You also can print and mail this form.
Can I see my account information online?
You can view your contribution history and securely update your payment information for any ongoing donations by logging into the Supporter Center. Once you’re logged in, click on “My Account.” To view your recent contributions, simply click on “Payment History,” and to update your payment information, click on “Payment Options.”
I pay by credit card. Will I receive a statement?
In order to direct the most funds to women in need, Women for Women International does not send a commitment statement to each Stand With Her supporter who pays automatically via credit card each month. You will be notified by email each month when your card has been charged, or if we are having difficulty applying payments to your account. If you pay by credit card, but do not have a valid email address, you will receive a commitment statement in the mail. To stop payments to your credit card please contact us at finance@womenforwomen.org or (202) 521-0016 or 1 (888) 504-3247.
How do I switch to making payments by credit card?
If you would like to start making payments by credit card, you can easily add a credit card to your account by logging into the Supporter Center and clicking on “My Account” and then “Payment Options.” You can also fill out the credit card information on the top third of the mailed billing statements. Still have questions? Please call us at (202) 521-0016 or 1 (888)504-3247 or email finance@womenforwomen.org. Note: Please do not email your payment information.
How much of the money I donate goes to the women in the program?
We are committed to ensuring that every woman we work with receives the most from your contributions. For more information on Women for Women International's financial information, please see our Annual Report.
If you are a Stand With Her supporter, you will be asked to provide a direct monthly contribution to Women for Women International in the amount specified upon your enrollment. It is also possible to make this contribution in annual or semi-annual lump payments, an option that reduces processing fees so that more funds can be sent directly to your sister's program.
If you wish to update your billing plan, simply send an email to finance@womenforwomen.org or call 202-521-0016.
Where can I find help for victims of violence in the U.S.?
If you are a survivor of violence, or know someone who is, and you live in the United States, you can contact:
National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-7233
National Victim Center 800-FYI-CALL (394-2255)
Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) 1-800-656-HOPE
For information about global gender and women's issues visit the Blogs & Updates section of our website.
How do I get a tax receipt for my donations?
To access information about your account, including your 2013 Donation Summary to use for tax purposes please follow visit our Supporter Center. You will be able to view it as many times as you would like. In addition to being convenient for you – this will save paper, postage, and resources – and will allow us to use more money directly for our programs and the women we support. In the coming months we will add more information to help you manage your support and donations more easily.
I am having problems registering on the Supporter Center. What should I do?
If you are having problems registering or using the Supporter Center, please send an email to onlinesupport@womenforwomen.org or call 1(888) 504-3247 or (202) 521-0016. Please include the nature of the problem and we will respond to you as soon as possible.
What if I still want to receive a tax receipt by mail?
Please consider using our Supporter Center. It is convenient for you and will save paper, postage, resources and will allow us to use more money directly for our programs and the women we support.
To request a receipt be sent by mail, please email a request to taxreceipt@womenforwomen.org.